Scam Alert

SCDPPPS would never call family members of incarcerated individuals to request money for early inmate release. If you receive a scam call, contact local law enforcement and report it to the FTC.

The South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services currently uses a variety of strategies to manage a diverse group of individuals required to serve a period of supervision in the community. 

Global Position System (GPS) Monitoring

The Intelligence Tracking and Communications (ITAC) Center was established in September 2007 as a 24/7 operation for the first-line notification of GPS alerts. The ITAC is responsible for triaging alert information generated by department-managed GPS monitoring equipment. The ITAC is located within the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) Information and Intelligence Center in Columbia, SC.

GPS monitoring, has many benefits, and:

  • Provides a relatively inexpensive alternative to incarceration for high-risk individuals
  • Allows individuals under supervision the opportunity to continue working, supporting their families, and living at home
  • Allows for an "electronic perimeter" to be created around specific areas designating them as "off limits" to those on GPS. These are called "exclusion zones" or "hot zones."
  • Can be a deterrent to future criminal activity.

If there is a need to report any GPS issues during an emergency, please call ITAC at 1-800-263-7191.

Interstate Transfers

The Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS) is a reciprocal agreement/compact permitting the transfer of individuals under supervision cases between states and U.S. territories under certain conditions.

The purpose of the ICAOS is to:

  • Transfer supervision authority in an orderly and efficient manner
  • Provide a means to return individuals to the originating jurisdictions when necessary
  • Give timely notice to victims of crime when cases transfer out of state
  • Distribute the costs, benefits, and obligations of this compact equitably among participating states
  • Establish a system of uniform data collection and allow access to information by authorized criminal justice officials

The Interstate Compact Offender Tracking System (ICOTS) is a web-based application used by all states and U.S. territories members of the ICAOS. ICOTS is used to initiate and track interstate compact transfers and monitor compact processes and violations.

Additional information can be obtained by accessing the website of the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision at or by contacting the SCDPPPS Interstate Compact Services Office at (803) 734-9325 or via email at   

Public Service Employment

A map of South Carolina counties showing the total public employment service hours worked for fiscal year 2022-2023.

Since 1987, SCDPPPS has offered Public Service Employment (i.e., community service) as one of its community-based programs. The program places individuals in unpaid positions with non-profit or tax-supported agencies to perform community service hours. Public Service Employment allows the community to hold individuals accountable for their actions through direct service to the community.

For non-profit or tax-supported agencies interested in becoming a Public Service Employment worksite, applications (PDF) can be emailed to

Self-Paced In-Class Education (SPICE)

The SPICE Program is a faith-based community partnership between SCDPPPS, SC Department of Corrections, SC Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, and SC technical colleges. The program consists of an institutional component and a community–based supervision component and provides vocational training, life skill training, spiritual awareness, and career readiness training. Upon completing the vocational/educational training element, designated SCDPPPS staff coordinates with community sponsors/mentors and other service providers to facilitate SPICE Program participants’ employment.

Additional information can be obtained by contacting the SPICE program coordinator at (803) 734-9143.